Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Raft of God

Sorry, but I just have to blog this's too funny not to share.

I was over at Topix minding my own business, reading some posts, and I came across one having to do with Christians vs. non-Christians. I love reading through those because I swear the most ignorant people are the ones that post the most to those threads. Then they get mad because other people don't agree with them and suddenly you have a trainwreck that you just have to stick around and watch.

Well I'm watching this one thread turn into quite the knockdown-dragout idiocy fest (note that I am referring to BOTH sides of the argument here) and suddenly as I'm scrolling I read the following line:

"the raft of God is coming"

??? Raft of God? Never have I heard about God rafting before. I will admit that it took me a second before the light went off that the poster must have meant "wrath of God", but by then the image had stuck in my brain.

God is sending us a raft. Cool. Just everybody remember to wear your lifejackets, and we'll be fine.

1 comment:

ortho said...

The good people of Texas and Oklahoma could have used God's raft recently.